Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Chapter 9: Organizational Agility

Chapter 9
Organizational Agility
A. The Responsive Organization
Mechanistic Organization : is a form of organization that seeks to maximize internal efficiency.
Organic Structure : is an organizational from that emphasize flexibility.

B. Strategy And Organizational Agility
1)      Organizing Around Core Capabilities
A core competence gives value to customers, makes the company's products different from and better than those of competitors, and can be used in creating new products.
2)      Strategic Alliance
A strategic alliance is a formal relationship created with the purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals. managers typically devote plenty of time to screening potential partners in financial terms. But for the Alliance to work, the partners also must consider one anothers areas of expertise and the incentives involved in the structure of the alliance.
3)      The Learning Organization
is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect and insights.
4)      The High-Involvement Organization
In high-involvement organization, top management ensures that there is a consensus about the direction in which the business is heading. The leader seeks input from his or her top management team and from lower levels of the company.

C. Organizational Size And Agility
a)      The Case for Big
Size creates scale economics, that is, lower costs per unit of production. and size can offer specific advantages such as lower operating costs, greater purchasing power, and easier access to capital.
b)      The Case for Small
Small size may improve speed. A salesperson learns about a customer’s new challenge.
c)      Being Big and Small
Small is beautiful for unleashing energy and speed. But in buying and selling, sizes offers market power. The challenge then is to be both big and small to capitalize on advantages of each.

D. Customers And The Responsive Organization
a.       Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management is a multifaceted process, typically mediated by a set information technologies, that focuses on creating two-way exchanges with customers so that firms have an intimate knowledge of their needs, wants, and buying patterns.
b.      Total Quality and Six Sigma
Total quality management is a way of managing in which everyone is committed to continuous improvement of his or her part of the operation. In business, success depends of having high-quality products.
c.       ISO 9001
a series of quality standards developed by a committee working under the International for Stadarization to improvefe total quality in all business for the benefit of the producers  and consumers
d.      Re-engineering
often requires a fundamental change in the way the parts of the organization work together.

E. Technology and Organizational Agility
Types of technology configurations
1.      Small Batch Technlogies
2.      Large Batch Technologies
3.      Continuous Process Technologies
Organizing for Flexible Manufacturing 
1.    Computer Integrated Manufacturing
2.    Flexible Factories
3.    Lean Manufacturing.

F. Organizing for speed : Time based competition
TBC has several key organizational elements :
1.      Logistics 
The movement of the right goods in the right amount to the right place at the right time.
2.      Just in Time
A system that calls for sub assemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process just as they are needed.
3.      Concurrent Engineering
A design approach in which all relevant functions cooperate jointly and continually in a maximum effort aimed at producing high quality products that meet customer's needs.

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